Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Awesome Lord, Psalm 47:2

The Awesome Lord

Psalm 47:2 How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before his death, he was lauded as the blessed Savior in the highest order. They threw their palm branches down as he rode on a donkey into the city. He was loved and admired and rightly so. He was, He is, He always will be the King over all the earth. Our awesome Lord!

K and A, recognize the greatness of your savior. He is far superior to any god others serve. He is the only true God. Praise and honor him by becoming obedient to his call on your life. When the way is unclear, continue to do the things you know are right. James said a religion that is worthy is one where you take care of the needy (those that cannot provide for themselves) and one where you keep yourselves from being polluted by the ways of the world (James 1:27).

When you live according to the Word you can be assured that God will direct your life, so that you end up at the right place. There you can serve him to your fullest and will look back and know you serve an awesome Lord.


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