Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Watch Out for Lions, Proverbs 26:13

Watch Out for Lions

Proverbs 26:13  A sluggard says, "There's a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!"

Its been awhile since I have written and when I had it was spotty at best. Although I have been busy with NOCTI and a crashed computer and someone's wedding announcements, still I have slacked off in my responsibilities. Hopefully, I am about to get better.

This verse is a great reminder of how each of us can make excuses to why we don't get our work done. But as you look for the truth in the matter, you find that it always boils down to this... We choose to do what we deem most important at the time. I'm not saying here that what we do is the most important, rather we make it the most important thing to do.

Daughters, So stop making excuses why you can't get this or that done. Create ways to accomplish what is most important in God's eyes and get up and get it done and the lions will run and hide!


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