Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sin Separates, God Redeems Isaiah 59:2 & 20

Sin Separates, God Redeems

Isaiah 59:2 & 20 But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. ... "The redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins."

It has been said that when Christ took upon himself the sins of the world, God the Father,  turn his face away and Christ called out, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me" (Mat 27:46)? Today's scripture reference alludes to this. Our sin is not simply wrong doing, a mistake. It has grave consequences. Sin separates!

It is a terrible thing to sin against the Lord. It brings a condemnation to the soul. We cannot expect to sin and not reap consequences (Gal 6:7). But that need not be the end. Our sins can be forgiven. We can be made right again! Jesus took our sins to the cross. He has paid the price with his own life! We can be made new (2 Cor. 5:17).

K and A, It is great to know that the penalty for your sins has been paid, because that penalty is a never ending torture in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8). You can avoid this death and live eternally with the one who paid the price (1 John 2:2). But don't rest on your laurels and think that efforts are worthless. You have a responsibility to live without sin, be holy as I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). Jesus will redeem the Christian who sins against his ways, and lift them up and renew the joy of their salvation. Daughters, if that joy of the Lord is not yours... repent of your sin and God will show himself to you and fill you with his Spirit and you will be filled with his love.


Vidoe's: May God touch you like he touched me...

Jesus Paid It All

He Paid the Debt I Solo with Guitar
He Paid the Debt II Ragtime Piano
He Paid the Debt III Duet with Accordian
He Paid the Debt IV Boiling Springs SC Mountain View Baptist, Congregational Choir.. Complete with foot stomping... Touched me the most though
He Paid the Debt V Mountain Anthems a Capella  Mennonites

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