Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Genesis 10, Life Begins Again

Life Begins Again

Genesis 10:32 These are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

There are interesting tidbits of information in the verses of this chapter. The nations of the land of Canaan where Abram arrived and whom Israel destroyed because of their wickedness are listed here. Also, we get a glimpse of history when it talks about Shem's descendant, Peleg. It says he lived when the earth was divided. Some believe this to be the time when the giant land mass separated into the continents which we have today. Listed here too is the man Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter before the Lord. He started the city of Nineveh. Also in the end times of Revelation it mentions the battle of Gog and Magog. Magog was the son of Japheth, Noah's son.

So, K and A, what can be learned from this chapter? More than you or I can imagine. But here are a couple that I see;

When God made a reset for mankind, he promised that life would continue until the "End Times". Seed time and harvest, summer and winter, man would cover the face of the earth. Its not that God would sit idly by, quite the opposite. He promised to be actively involved. Notice that after Ham was cursed, his descendant Nimrod was know to be of God.

That leads to my second point. God does not hold a grudge, he relents. He will not always accuse, nor harbor his anger forever; nor does he treat us as our sins deserve... (Psalm 103:9 & 10) God is willing to forgive and to allow us to begin again. Read that Psalm it is powerful! He removes our sin and has compassion on his children. I pray that you never disappoint God. I pray that you do not grossly sin against him like David and many others... Choose to remain faithful and do not be tricked by the devil and schemes and so be caught in sin! But if you do, remember that God allows your spiritual life to reset, and you can be made pure and holy... You will suffer the consequences of your sin and be forever sad about what you have done, but glad that he forgives and allow life to begin again.


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