Monday, December 5, 2016

Genesis 9:8-17, Remember the Rainbow

Remember the Rainbow

Genesis 9:16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

The rain has passed and the floods have subsided and dryland appeared. Noah and the animals got out of the ark viewing the pristine new land. Noah and his family worshipped the Lord and offered a sacrifice to him. In response, God made a covenant between himself and the earth and all living creatures, including man. God promised never to destroy all creation with a flood. Earlier he had promised to sustain the earth until the Last Day.

When the rain stops and the clouds break, the sun shines through the clouds and refracts through the moisture and a rainbow appears in the sky. We can look at it as a scientific wonder and be awed at what Mother Nature can produce. But how disrespectful could we be? There are no acts of nature outside of God's hand, and there is no Mother Nature! God is the master of ocean and earth and sky. Song: (Choir Version, Piano Version, Black Version)

Daughters, when you look at the rainbow, don't seek an imaginary pot of gold. And don't just look at the magnificent colors, or even the amazing thought of a double rainbow for they all miss the main reason why God gave us the rainbow. Rather, think of the power and majesty of God. Think of his promise to care and protect you. And, think of his love that he covenanted with you. When you see the rainbow, remember God.


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