Thursday, December 1, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 2: Food for You

Food for You

Genesis 9:3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

For nearly 1000 years, God did not allow the eating of meat, only vegetables. But after the flood, God said that he was changing things. Animals would now fear man, and the dread of him would overcome them. It was at that time when God said that all animals, like all green plants,  could be consumed as food. For some to say today that we must be vegetarians is absurd. God made a specific statement permitting animals as food. We also know that using furs or killing animals for their skins to make leather is fine with God as well. Remember, It was God who clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins after they had sinned. We can use animals as pets, cage them for eggs, smoke them on a spit, make them work for us, and put them on display. Animals are for our benefit.

Our society has vilified the use of animals. Movies and TV programs have personified animals to the point many believe animal are equal to humans. Many believe that animals have souls, and others equate them with God and worship them. We must see life from God's prospective. Like all of creation, animals show God's magnificence. Just like the rest of his creation we protect and care for them. We must not torture them nor derive cruel pleasures from them. God will hold us accountable.

Daughters, God created animals for us. They can be our companions and bring us a sense of security, but we must remember that they are second to people. They were not meant as a substitute for people. Today people have relationships with their pets, passionately kissing them, having sexual relations with them and even marrying them. This is sinful, a perversion of God's way of life (Lev 18:23). Societies have been destroyed by God for this.

Be wise. Develop a proper Biblical perspective on caring for animals. Check out this verse from Proverbs 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Even though we can use them for food and work or entertainment, that doesn't give us the right mistreat God's creation. Ladies, enjoy you pets but don't go overboard.


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