Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 3: Never Too Old

Never Too Old

Genesis 12:4 So Abram left as the Lord had told him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.

God is a respecter of the aged. He doesn't cast them to the side just because they reach a certain age. He loves and continues to use those that are willing to serve. God knows that those who have been changed in heart and are faithfully following him have great wisdom to give to contribute to society, both inside and outside the church. Gray hair is a crown of splendor (Prov 16:31).

The 60's, baby boomer generation changed the course of mankind in many terrible ways. One of the worst resulted in the minimizing of the worth of the elderly. The hippie movement told those over 40 to shut up and go away; they were too out of touch to be relevant. Sad thing is that in many ways they listened. That disrespect set in motion a new path for society across much of the world. After a certain age people are to go take a seat and keep quiet. Not only has this been true in society, it became true in the church. In fact many independent churches were started by baby boomers who wanted to side step the ornery old people who were stuck in their ways so they could be free from the restrictions past. This has caused much worldliness to enter the church.

A and K, what do you think of the elderly? Do you search out Godly advice from the holy saints of the past? I saw a note this morning written by a dear saint of the past, Anita Breckbill. She shared her wisdom to help another understand the dangers of Satan's trickery, showing how he uses the pleasures of the world to entice God's people. Later they find that the promise of a good time leads to spiritual heartache and struggles.

Lend your ear to the older generation... I am finding that the "boomers" are now becoming that group, so I wary in some of their advice. Therefor it is necessary to seek out Godly saints who have applied the Word of God to how they live. Seek out this counsel, because God wants to use the elderly to bless you. Show them your respect by hearing them out. And remember, one day you too will be old.


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