Thursday, December 22, 2016

Quick Note: Born to Farm

Born to Farm

Mark 4:3 Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.

"I wasn't born to farm!" you say. But you were. Each Christian is to be a farmer. Each is to go spread the Word of God in the lives of those around them. In the same way we are to teach our children (Deut 11:19), we are to spread the Word to others. Farming today is much more technical than it was centuries back. We carefully prepare the soil and insert the seed into the ground. Exact calculations are made for fertilizers and pesticides to get just the right crop. But it is different in the spiritual world.

Today the church defines to whom, where, when, and how the gospel is disseminated. Not all this is bad, but we are not God. We were called more to the casting of seed than the preparation of soil. We must be careful not to limit to whom we witness. Everyone is deserving.

Daughters, think of you spreading the Word like being Pigpen. ? Yes, Pigpen of the Charlie Brown series. No matter where he went dirt fell off onto everything around him. He could not help it. It exuded from his being. Be so spiritual in your life that it billows off onto those around you. Listen! Go forth and plant seed to everyone you pass.


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