Saturday, December 31, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 6: An Altar to the Lord

An Altar to the Lord

Genesis 12:8b  There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord

Abram, content that God was fulfilling his promise, built and altar to the Lord. It is not said what he said to the Lord when he cried out, but worship him he did. Abram knew he had heard God's voice, and now he was at the place God had prepared for him. In gratitude, Abram build an altar and lays his offering on it to thank and honor God there.

Beginning with Adam and Eve, after the flood and now as Abram recognizes God faithfulness, God's people make it know that they appreciate what God has done in their lives. An altar was not only a place to lay your sacrifice or offering, it remained as a visible sign that someone had called on the name of the Lord. Honor and devotion to the Creator was real.

A and K, today, you do not sacrifice on a altar built by human hands. Instead you are called to be living sacrifice to him. This is done through obedience to his statues. In his Word, both Old and New Testaments, he describes how you are to live. In 1st Samuel 15:22, Samuel told Saul that a true sacrifice was one of obedience. Your life should portray Christ and should leave behind a visible sign that you consistently call on the name of the Lord. You are to be both the sacrifice and the altar. Live in obedience to him in the new year ahead that others may see God's faithfulness and wonder.


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