Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Quick Note: The Righteous Delivered

The Righteous Delivered

2 Peter 2:9a If this is so, then God knows how to rescue godly men from trials...

We talked yesterday on how God will hold the wicked accountable for their acts, specifically referring to those who tear down the church from within the church. For those who follow the evil desires of the flesh, for those who despise authority, and all the unrighteous, God will hold for the day of judgement, they will not go unpunished; not later, not now! It is mine to avenge the Lord said (Ro 12:19).

Meanwhile, the righteous just have to suffer? They have to wait for the Last Days for justice to occur? Yes and no. Yes, because it is good to suffer. In Romans it say we suffer with him in order to be glorified with him (Ro 8:17). But, James tells us that if we are suffering or in trouble we should pray. It is right to pray for deliverance for God will deliver. (check out these verses on suffering) That is the point of verses 7 thru 9 of 2 Peter 2... God saw the torment that Lot was going through. There weren't even 10 righteous people in the area where he lived. The filth of their lives brought distress and God did something about it. Lot, a righteous man, was delivered from evil.

Ladies, do not succumb to the filth around you, continue to live holy lives in this unholy world! But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do (1 Pet 1:15) If you succumb, then the punishment saved for the wicked will be yours as well, but if you are tormented by the sins around you and stand against the wickedness continuing to do what is right, God will deliver you just as he did Lot. He knows how to rescue his followers from their trials. Trust him through it all, for then the day of judgement will be glorious for you!


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