Friday, December 2, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 3: Precious Blood

Precious Blood

Genesis 9:4 But you must not eat meat that still has its lifeblood still in it.

God believes life is precious. He allows us to eat meat for strength and nourishment and even our enjoyment. Ahhh, to taste a good piece of beef, it's what's for dinner. But do not mistake his allowance as a sign he doesn't care about life. He does. The set of verses from four through six reveals this part of God's heart.

Blood is the life of a living being. Without blood, oxygen and energy would never make it to the cells within the body. Those cells would die. Eventually the whole body would die, and life would cease. Since blood is so crucial to the life of a being, we can understand why God cherishes it so. Jews are very particular with how animals are processed for food. They must bleed out properly, or the meat is not kosher and therefor unacceptable. It is true that God loves animals but even more so with man. God demands an accounting for life. We must not kill, murder, another human being. God holds us accountable, so our life is to be taken (vs 6). Jesus said the same thing when he said those who kill by the sword will die by the sword (Matt 26:52 Rev 13:10), . God says life is precious, for we are made in his image, the image of God.

In Old Testament times, the blood of a sacrifice was precious. God required that nearly everything used in worship be cleansed by blood. It was used extensively during the time of sacrifice and offering. Today, there is a greater, more precious blood that cleanses, the blood of Christ. It was spilt for our purification. His sacrifice is greater than that of an animal. It cleanses and purifies from sin completely. We can be made whole again, if we have faith in what Christ has done for us. Then as Christians, we must become like Christ. This becomes possible when we allow this precious blood to flow through our veins. It becomes our lifeblood. As it flows through all our being, we receive the strength and energy necessary to walk like Christ.

A and K, apply the precious blood of Christ to your heart and soul. Let it flow throughout your entire being that you may become like Christ. Care for the lives of those around you, the precious creations of God.


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