Sunday, December 25, 2016

Quick Note: God's Right Hand Man

God's Right Hand Man

Colossians 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where God is seated at the right hand of God.

Jesus, God's son, came to earth as a babe, born of a virgin and barely noticed among the peoples of his time. There were a few that knew who he was... the shepherd that were told by the angels, and the wise men, who figured out, came and worshipped him. Oh, and there was Herod who thought he had killed him when he slaughtered all the boys his age. Others knew as well, most of whom we have no record.

Jesus, the Christ, helped in the creation of all things. He was with God throughout the history of man from Noah to David to Daniel. Jesus was always God's right hand man. When he came to earth, he lower himself and took on the life of a man. As God's perfect servant, he showed us how to live life. He showed us how we too could live as God's "right hand man" here on earth. Then Christ was crucified and raised from the dead and left this earth to take back his place in heaven at the right hand of the father where he now sits to be our intercessor; talking to God on our behalf. He left us here to be the servants in his place. We are to emulate his life to be God's servant, his right hand.

Daughters, see yourselves for who you are in Christ. Read the Word and learn how Christ lived. He became one of us to show you how to live. Love and care for others. Seek out those who are hurting. Lift those who are weak. Proclaim the gospel through your life and your verbal witness of what he has done for you and others. Focus on things above, so you can help those around you be raised with Christ as well. For you are God's right hand man... okay woman.


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