Friday, December 16, 2016

Quick Note: Trust God

Sorry, I didn't get the "continued" post finished today... so here is something to think about...

Quick Note

Trust God

When life doesn't seem to go your way, what do you do? When it seems like others are against you no matter how hard you try to get along, what do you do? Do you quit trying? Do you blame the other person? Or, do you keep trusting in God.

I don't know why God allows some things to happen. But I do know we can trust him. If you truly desire God's way in your life, he will take the hard and difficult things of life and even the evil things of life and turn them into things that benefit you for the good. God will not abandon you especially when you are confused. Just trust him and acknowledge he knows what he is doing and above all continue in living out his Word. God will pull you through.

Trust in the Lord with all you heart. Lean not on your own understanding... then he will guide you.


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