Sunday, December 11, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 1: Follow Through

Follow Through

Genesis 12:4 So Abram let as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran

Abram first set out from Ur to go to the land of Canaan. He had been going with his family to a new land in Canaan. What God had in store for them, they did not know, but off they went. But something happened along the way. They stopped. I am sure they stopped many places to rest or get water, but this stop was different. The Word says it this way, but when they came to Haran, they settled there (11:31). Abram and his family got sidetracked in their calling.

Thankfully, God is faithful. He knew where Abram was and called him to leave his family and go the rest of the way to Canaan to a place God would show to him. This time Abram followed though with the task God had given him.

K and A, What has God called you to? It may not be something "grand" in your mind, but I can tell you it is very important. Maybe it has to do with school or your future plans. Possibly it is some task in church or other work in his service or for now it is training for a future calling. It is easy to get sidetracked. Maybe, like Abram, it is a family member that has held you back or just life in general has halted your endeavors. What ever it is, throw it off and complete the task to which God has called you. Jesus was serious when he said, No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

Daughters, carry out the task God has given you and do so with any work he calls you to in the future. The trek for Abram was not always pleasant, but God is faithful. Hebrew 11 states that through faith, Abram obeyed and went and received the promise God had promised. Maybe you are like Abram and have no idea where exactly you are going. Just follow through with what you know to do and have faith that God will lead you the rest of the way. He will carry out his promises to you!


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