Monday, December 12, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part:2, God Has a Plan

God Has a Plan

Genesis 12:2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great and will bless you.

In verse one, the Lord tells Abram that he knows the place where Abram is to settle. He did not tell him the place, rather he told Abram to head that way, and when it was the right time, he would reveal it to him.

God's promises are trustworthy. He does not go back on his word. We can be assured that God will keep his end of the deal... "Deal?" you say! Certainly, a covenant is am agreement between parties. In the case of Abram and of the Old Covenant, it is a deal between a ruler and his subjects, a  Suzerain-Vassal covenant. Basically it is this: you subject yourself to me and I will provide for you and protect you. Hebrews says that Abram believed God and left the comforts of home to follow God to a land he did not know. He trusted that God had a plan for his future.

Ladies, your future lies ahead of you. Where it is headed, you do not know. Put your trust in the one who desires to lead you into a great future. He has plans for you; not harm you but to prosper you (Jer 29:11). But like Abram, you have a responsibility to keep your end of the deal. You are the vassal, and he is the lord. Submit to him and follow his decrees, and he will lead you and bless you and make your name great. For, if God is for you, who can stand against you and the plan he has made for you!


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