Sunday, December 18, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 5: Wait on the Lord, continued...

Wait on the Lord, continued...

Please go back and read the first part if you can't remember where we were. We pick up here in finding the will of God...

A and K, this is what I have found to be true in searching out what God has for each one of us, for you...
  • First, you must dedicate yourself to being willing to follow God no matter what. This was Abram. He didn't shrink back, even willing to give up his own son. This willingness is part of salvation and  quite specific to sanctification!
  • Then you must be dedicated to doing what he has already showed you to do. Most of God's will is found in the Scriptures. Therefor, you must read and meditate and do what you can to know the Word of God - what does it say, what does it mean, how can I live it out today are questions to ask yourself. Beyond learning from the God's Word is being willing to follow what has been revealed to you through spiritual mentoring. These areas of practical living are learned through one on one and group study. All too often people just do not want to honor those in spiritual authority over them thinking the advice of the mentor or a parent is to out of touch for today's world or for their lives. One thing I have learned is that there is nothing new under the sun as it says in Ecclesiastes. Take special care to verify that all gained wisdom aligns with Scripture.
  • Finally, you must learn to get close to God. Truly love him. You must spend time with him... in prayer... not the "now I lay me down to sleep" or the "Thank you Lord for this meal for which we are about to partake" type prayers. The kinds of prayers I am speaking of are those when you speak to the Lord about all the things that are happening, as they happen. Share with him what your plans are for the day, converse with him during your day, and then tell him how your day has gone as you close out your day. Also, you must learn as much as you can about him. Desire to make him happy. Do things throughout your day that are pleasing him. Learn to hear his voice and sense his leadings. Do not try to keep things hidden from him. When you truly love, you will desire to be transparent and tell him everything, good and bad alike.
"That will take a lifetime!" you say. You are right. That's what I've found; knowing God's will does take a lifetime. But, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Don't run ahead, but don't sit still either. Live as you already know how, and rely on him to lead you through the rest. If you follow the points above, he will guide you, and you will look back and be amazed at his faithfulness. Wait on the Lord by going to where he has called you, and when you get to your tree of Moreh, he will show you the land he promised.


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