Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Faith in God, Mark 11:22

Faith in God

Mark 11:22 "Have faith in God," Jesus answered

Peter was amazed. The fig tree that had withered. It had produced no fruit, so Jesus cursed it. It was a beautiful tree with plenty of green leaves but no fruit, a worthless tree. And now, it would be cut down.

How can we have such a confidence that what we pray for will happen? Jesus says we are to have faith in God, believing God without doubting and it will happen... But, there is more. We need to be different than the fig tree. Looking strong and heathy isn't enough. We need to produce spiritual fruit (Gal 5:22) consistent with the life of a Christian.

A and K, You don't want to just look good, you want to be good. Your faith in God is to be accompanied by your good works (James 2:24). When you are living for God, you can have confidence that he will hear your prayers (Ps 34:17) and your prayers to him will be effective.


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