Monday, May 8, 2017

Reverent Fear, 1 Peter 2:17

Reverent Fear

1 Peter 2:17 Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, lives your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.

As discussed in yesterday's post on "No Fear", we can trust God to be there for his children. We need not fear what is to come or what he asks us to do, for he will be our shield and great reward. But, how should those who betray Jesus feel? If we are part of the world are we not in danger of being destroyed? We are, and in that, there is fear.

Since the late 1960's movement, there has been much talk about "love". This mantra remains: "Can't we all just love each other and get along." That has been brought into the church with a belief that certainly a God who loved us wouldn't punish us for something that we can't control. "I wouldn't serve a God who would send you to hell just for committing a sin. That doesn't sound like a loving God." "Everybody sins and I was saved when I was little." "God loves me and has forgiven my sins; past, present, and future."

K and A, Do not be fooled by today's worldly teachings. God judges impartially, sinner and saved alike. Fear his wrath! Know that he expects his children to be holy (vs 15). You must flee evil desires as a Christian (vs 14). It is true that the grace of God increases when you sin but the purpose of his grace is to bring righteousness not as an opportunity for you to continue in your sin. (Ro 5 & 6) But do not be deceived, God will not be mocked. You will reap what you sow. (Gal 6:7) Fear him, then, with a reverent fear knowing he wants you as his daughter.


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