Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wise Thought: Don't Tear Down, Proverbs 11:12

Don't Tear Down

Proverbs 11:12 A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.

How do we act when a neighbor is a problem? Sometimes they may encroach on our property. Other times they borrow things and do not return them.... what are we to do? It is easy for us to respond with coldness or anger, after all they violated us. But, is this proper for a Christian? The answer is no! We know what Jesus would do... he would allow that person to use more of his land or loan him more things (Matt 5:39 & 40). This is also what he wants us to do if our neighbor is evil. And, most of our neighbors aren't purposefully evil towards us.

If we are lacking judgement we won't give our neighbors any leeway, and if we are wise, we will not repay a them for what they do against us even if they had done so on purpose. Nor will we speak evil of them to others.

K and A, do more than hold your tongue. Holding your tongues is wise (Pr 10:19), but when you are spiritually mature you won't harbor such thoughts, then your tongue will not be tempted to speak such evil. So lift others, even when they have harmed you in some way.


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