Saturday, May 27, 2017

Woe 3: No-one Cares, Luke 11:44

No-one Cares

Luke 11:44 Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it.

When a person dies, it is customary to bury them in a grave and place a headstone at the site for all who passed by to see. We can know the day they were born and the day they died. Sometimes pictures or words are put on the gravestone giving us a glimpse into who they were and what they believed. You know they are missed.

The Pharisees thought a lot of themselves. The prayed loudly in front of the people, so everyone could see how "holy" they were. But, others saw through their false pretense and knew the Pharisees were just a lot of hot air. No-one cared for them and ignored who they were. In the people's minds, they were of no importance and did not miss them being around.

K and A, it is not my desire for you to be so popular that others worship your every move. To have accolades given you for doing great things brings honor and can be very humbling. Mother Theresa was a very influential person, yet she had a quite spirit seeking to lift others and not herself. Daughters, live in such a way that people will not notice you, rather live in a way that they would see your love for God and others. When you are not around, they will honor your quiet greatness, and will miss you being there.


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