Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Quick Note: God is There, Isaiah 59:1

God is There

Isaiah 59:1 Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, not his ear to dull to hear.

God is close by. Even when it seems like he isn't even around, he hears and sees our need. Reach up to him, and he will lift you up!

K and A, a past student OD'd last night on heroine. Where was I... I failed to reach out to him. Oh, I didn't know his plight, but I was prompted to contact him and didn't. My arm and ears were not helpful. I want to be there for both of you. When you call I will answer. You can count on me... at least that is my goal, my aim for I care each for you.

But there is one who "sticketh" closer than a brother (Pr 18:24). You can always count on him. God will never let you down... even when he seems like he is not there. Reach up to him and you will find his arm of strength lifting you up.


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