Friday, May 26, 2017

Woe 2: Status Lovers Beware, Luke 11:43

Status Lovers Beware

Luke 11:43 Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greeting in the marketplace.

Do you know someone that always seeks attention? They want to get noticed. They want to be lifted up for all to see and praised for their greatness.

But this is not who Jesus calls us to be. We are to put others first. Yes, honor is to be given to those to whom honor is due (Ro. 13:7), but no where does it say we are to seek our own honor. Quite the opposite. We are to be humble. James says that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (4:6). Pride is the is the downfall of man. Eve sought to be like God and Adam followed her into sin, now we all suffer for it. Pride is an attribute of Satan, and, as Christians, we must not walk in his ways. In fact we need to avoid the appearance of evil in our lives, so that our entire spirit, soul, and body may be kept blameless before the Lord (1 Thes. 5:23).

A and K, leave the limelight to others. Solomon said that when you dine with the king, do not take the prominent seat, for it is better for him to say come up here and sit by me than for him to switch you with someone else which would be so humiliating (Pr 25:7).  It is not what others think of you that is important, it is what God thinks of you. He will give you grace and honor if you recognize whose you are and give him credit for all that you are. If you do this, then, at judgement day, you will hear him say, "well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of your Lord." (Matt 25:23)


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