Monday, May 15, 2017

Quiet Words, Ecclesiastes 9:17

Quiet Words

Ecclesiastes 9:17 The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.

The wise teacher, Solomon, wrote about the dangers of speaking too much. Noting that the fools speaks without giving thought to their words, Solomon warned that sin abounds when there is much talk (Pr 10:19). The wise person considers their words before they speak and chooses to keep their mouths shut if need be. The fools rants and rages and there is no resolution (Pr 29:9).

A and K, which part do you play? Are you wise and cautious and speak little, or do you play the part of the fool? If so, clap your hand over your mouth and keep quiet and do what is right (Pr 30:32). Both of my girls are quiet... normally. But, I do know that, in the right setting, you can talk more than most would imagine. Be careful to think before you speak and when you do speak, do not rant and rave. Rather, speak with quiet words of wisdom learned from God and his word.


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