Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Just Say No, Proverbs 1:10

Just Say No

Proverbs 1:10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.

Most of us have heard the phrase made popular by Nancy Reagan, "Just say no"! At the time, this attempt to curtail the drug problem in America was scoffed and laughed at. Today, this phrase has been adopted for many causes. And it is a good one for us spiritually. When sinners entice you... just say NO!

Daughters, I would like to expand this verse and suggest to you that Satan uses our peers, sinners and church people alike, to put pressure on us to do things we would never do. It may be a roommate in your dorm, an acquaintance at work, a family member, or a boyfriend or spouse. Many of them seem like good people, how could they be wrong. But, when you know the good you ought to do (James 4:7), do not do the things that are contrary to what you know is right. Smoking, drinking, dancing, and worldly music & movies... all these were kept from you as a child for a reason... why involve yourself with the "adult" areas of life just because you are of age. Oh good, I'm 21, now I can drink... I plan on marrying him anyway, so sex is ok... that's just wrong. A and K, do not give in to the pressure. Instead of than trying to figure out what things of  the world might be okay for you to do, see how holy and close to God you can be. I pray that God will give you wisdom in this area and that he gives you the courage to just say NO!


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