Thursday, May 25, 2017

Woe 1: Obeying Rules Not Enough, Luke 11:42

Obeying Rules Not Enough

Luke 11:42 Woe to you Pharisees, because you give a tenth of your mint, rue, and other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.

Woe - a calamity. Jesus told the Pharisees that hard times are coming for them. In this section of scripture there a six woes that he warns them about. They will come about because of the way the Pharisees live, the things they do.

The first reason calamity is coming... Not living out their faith in God. They looked good. They did things that religious people do; tithed, didn't work on the Sabbath, went to the synagogue every Sabbath... they looked good but they weren't. They treated people unfairly and didn't love God by loving others.

Jesus said it is right to look good, to do the religious acts fitting for believers, but if you do not love others and treat them fairly, taking advantage of them... then you are in the wrong and hard times are ahead.

K and A, You can't just look good. It is right to tithe and follow the ten commandments, all ten, but you are a shallow Christian at best if you do not love others and treat them with respect. Don't cheat others. Do not put them down. Value others above yourself (Phlp. 2:3). Work for their benefit and God will bring the good you seek for others back to you! Live out your faith.


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