Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Woe 4: Cruel Overlords, Luke 11:46

Cruel Overlords

Luke 11:46 Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens that they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."

Not A Selfie
Jesus had insulted the Pharisees and the experts of the law by what he said. But, Jesus kept going... Why are you such cruel leaders? he basically told them. The Pharisees and experts in the law were leaders in God's religious system. They were responsible for the interpretation of the Law, which they also enforced. But, they were cruel in their dealings with people. The rules they set to help in following the law were rigid and gave no thought to an individual's progress.

It is easy for the people who are experts in something to think others should know and be able to do the job as well as they can. Many are short sighted and forget how long it took for them to get to where they are. They also cannot fathom when someone lacks the ability to excel in areas where they do; if they can do it, everyone can.

Daughters, it is easy for me to see where others lack. Some of that comes from my desire for perfection; I want to be holy and perfect like God and having had the privilege of growing up in a home that worked to live it out, I have that same desire. I know I am not perfect and do not expect others to be so, but I do expect them to try. I suppose I err in some sense in the same way the experts in the law had troubles, at least in this area.

A and K, I have been hard on each of you.

K, you extremely so. You told me you had a desire for holiness and wanted my help to become more Godly in everyday life. Knowing I had a limited time, I expected much from you. I tried to condense 22 years of training into 4 years. You know how that went... :(   Although I was always willing to lift my finger to help you, I expected you to not only change immediately, I expected you to accept everything I said immediately. It is my hope that you will fan into flame the desire you once embraced to flee the ways of the world (2 Tim 1:16) and live a holy life.

A, I have expected much from you as well, but you have had that push your entire life. I do not regret being firm and tight in my expectations. You have responded well and seem to desire a Godly, world-less life. Continue in your pursuit of holiness. Yet I see this one area where you seem to lack: open your heart to loving people, and like me, learn patience in dealing with them. They might not have the same ability as you. Teach and see others with this thought in mind.

Finally daughters, you are both talented in various area. Each of you lead others now, and I can't wait to see how God uses each of you in the future. But, always remember to not be an ogre who devours the ones you are trying to help. Instead lift your loving finger to help them.


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