Saturday, May 6, 2017

Quick Note: Be a Blessing, Romans 12:14

Be a Blessing

Romans 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

It is easy to be bothered by those who persecute. Would it actually be persecution if it didn't hurt in some way? There are natural responses to pain. Attacking the source of the pain is one. After all, we want it to stop. That is natural.

Many times God demands that we live in a way that is unnatural. If someone demands that we do something for them, we are to go above and beyond and do more then they have demanded (Matt 5:41). If someone slaps you in the face, allow them to do it again, don't retaliate (Matt 5:39). These are the things we are to do for an evil person. Just think how lenient Christ wants us to be with a fellow Christian.

K and A, what do you do when someone annoys you. Do you mumble something under your breath, berate them with some choice words, or do you kick or beat on them? What God wants you to do is to bless them. That doesn't just mean to say something nice to them, it means to act in ways that help them succeed, to do good things for them, lift them up. Sure, this in not natural, but then again, as Christians, neither are you!


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