Friday, November 4, 2016

Genesis 4:10 - 24, What Have You Done

What Have You Done

Genesis 4:10 The Lord said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brothers blood cries out to me from the ground.

God condemns Cain to a life of wandering and misery. He drives him from the area and curses his future. Yet, God protects him and enables Cain to live out is life. Cain has children and grandchildren and life goes on...

In God's question to Cain, What have you done, we can sense the indignation God has for his sin of murder. Abel was hurting no one, yet Cain, in his anger, because of God's rejection of his offering, took out his problems with God on Abel. His sin brought on the wrath of God. Somehow, within the one generation sin grew to its maximum level, and death ruled in the heart of man. But God, despite man rejection of him, delivers compassion in the midst of his curse and allows Cain to live.

A and K, how do you handle sin your life? Do you run and hide like Eve? Do you walk around like it never happened like Cain and say, Whachu talkin about... Hopefully you do neither of those. Hopefully, you, instead, plead the mercies of God. God is willing to forgive and make a way of restoration. Take his offer and live differently, or as Jesus said to the invalid... stop sinning or something worse may happen to you (Jn 5:14).

As you look forward and think about motherhood, and how to discipline your children, remember that God effectively uses disciplines; emotional, physical, and spiritual. But, he doesn't cut you off from returning. (God is not always able to be found though. Isa 55:6, 2 Cor 6:2). He gives you ample opportunity. Therefore, remember to extend to your children that same opportunity. Give them a way to find restoration and sense your love for them. Discipline is effective when you do... otherwise it is just punishment and will cause separation in your relationship with your children. So, it is necessary to ask them from time to time... What have you done! and then discipline them.


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