Sunday, November 20, 2016

Genesis 7, Shut In

Shut In

Genesis 7:16b ...Then the Lord shut him in.

Claustrophobia... many people are afraid of closed spaces. Tight and stuffy with no room to move, fear begins to set in and anxiety surmounts. I have crawled under houses or climbed through small openings and have felt that sense of helplessness come on. What was I too do? To go further would be insane, to try and turn around, impossible. You know you are stuck and panic ensues. What I have learned to do when this feeling comes is to lie still, close my eyes, and rest just like you snuggled up in bed for a night sleep. The fear is released and peace settles back in and soon all is well.

When God shut Noah and his family in the ark, they knew everything would be alright. They could rest in the fact that since they obeyed God's word, he would protect them from the storm and the ride that lay ahead. God prepared them for this time, and now they were shut in to be save from coming destruction.

Daughters, I have put restrictions on each of you. In a way you may feel cramped and restricted. It may have caused you to wonder if you should follow my desires for you. Why not turn and go a different way? Why even go in that tight spot, you just feel out of place and uncomfortable. Like Noah, people might think you are crazy. I urge you to go in anyway. In there, you can rest in God knowing he is protecting you from the storms of life. He is trying to save you from many sins. You will be set free when it is all over, but for now allow me to shut you in. Snuggle in and trust me.


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