Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

It is a busy day again. Yesterday I was beginning to write this and Grandpa came over and that was that. Today I just got here and must go into work early, a vendor is taking the shop to Hibachi Grill, so I leave soon. That gives me 5 minutes for you.

I want you to know daughters that just because my time is short to write to you it doesn't mean I don't think about nor pray for you during my day. God is working in your hearts and that pleases me. Love the Lord with all you heart and all your mind and all you soul (Mark 12:30). Give to him your problems and your heartaches. Share with hi your joys. God is there for you and wants to be your closest friend. Know that he loves you dearly just I do. Have a great day in the Lord!


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