Friday, November 11, 2016

Genesis 6:1 - 8, Filled with Pain

Filled with Pain

Genesis 6:1-8 The Lord was grieved that he had made man on earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

This part of Scripture is strange to read, but after looking at it and reading what others say, it makes much more sense. First of all, God doesn't have sons, plural. He only has one son, his name is Jesus. So, there are no sons of God to marry women of earth. Second, some say that angels are marrying women and having children. This cannot be because Jesus said that angels are not male or female, they do not marry (Mk 12:25). The last thought is that those who follow God are son's of God and those that follow Satan, or in the case in Genesis, follow Cain, are daughters of men. Simply said, the righteous were marrying the unrighteous.

Here's is my view of this scripture
As the population grew, the descendants of Cain and of Seth began to intermingle. The men of Seth's descendants began to desire the women of Cain's descendants. They were enticed by their beauty and  began to intermarry with them. They produced what seemed to be great offspring, heroes and men of renown. This confirmed in their minds that intermarriage wasn't evil, so the practice continued and became acceptable.

But God called them Nephilim or Fallen Ones. They had broken the curse God had placed on Cain and his descendants. God had driven Cain away, but now man tried to reverse God's judgement by intermarrying with them. This greatly hurt the Lord. He was grieved in his heart. He was sad to the point of regretting he had made man. His heart was filled with pain. He planned on wiping man from the face of the earth and the animals as well.

From the beginning of time, God had a plan. He knew if the righteous had close relations with the unrighteous, the sinners would lead his followers away. God would not allow his people Israel to intermarry with those in Canaan nor with anyone outside of the Jewish religion. Paul confirms this in the New Testament when he tells those in Corinth, Do not be unequally yoked... what do the believers and unbelievers have in common... Come out from them, be separate... and I will receive you... and you will be my sons and daughters (2 Cor 6:14 - 18).

Daughters, be careful who you become close friends with. Be very wary of who you plan on marrying and A, be very careful who you look at to be in a relationship with. They will either bring you closer to God or pull you away from him. Never allow looks to entice your desire for choice of a husband. Their heart for God should be the first consideration, then their character of integrity, then their love and treatment of others; placing others before themselves, then they must have a heart of a servant. Then you can go for good looking. I am sure there are other characteristics as in the attributes of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13, but please, if you have any desire to please God or your father, if you do not want to tear their heart out, then do not be intimate with anyone who is not a follower of Christ. From the beginning of time, this has been God's heart, and it is mine for you as well. If you choose not to, our hearts will be filled with pain.


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