Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 1: Be Fruitful

Be Fruitful

Genesis 9:1 - 7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.

In Psalms, it says that the children you have in your youth are like arrows in a warriors hand and you are blessed if your quiver is full of them (Psalm 127:4 & 5). So, marry young and have lots of children. It is a blessing! The Scriptures do not shy away from having children. We must be wise in knowing our limits for many hardships can arise when we have poor parenting skills or when we lack the funds to raise them. We must not be foolish. We must plan ahead.  Consider, then, what God's plan is. Society in the US says that a good size family averages 3.14 persons. Using that statistic in a 2 parent family, this will only allow for 1 child per household. I doubt that was what God meant when he said to be fruitful.

Let us look at this spiritually. First, a large family of well trained and disciplined children will be very effective in the Kingdom. They will be a great example to those around us of how effective Biblical principles are when lived out. And applied to the verses in Psalms, there will be mighty armies of Christians who effective handle the Sword: the Word of God. And the Kingdom will increase, keeping many soul from destruction.

Second, this command to be fruitful is a call to be his witnesses. 1 Corinthians 5:13 - 20 teaches us that as Christians we die to ourselves and live for Christ and become his ambassadors. Ask anyone with children; this is the life of a parent. No longer do they live for themselves but for the success of their children. (Today, people take this truth to an extreme, making it all about their children) In the early days they get up in the middle of the night to tend to them. Later they give up the easy life and buckle down and work to provide food and clothing and education. After their children leave home, they still continue to provide Godly wisdom, so the family will continue for generation. There are so many spiritual parallels here, from the birth of salvation, through nurturing growth, to deep meaty discipleship. We must increase and multiply Christ's kingdom and help it to mature.

A and K, how will you involve yourself in the Kingdom work. Paul said, it is good not to marry, (1 Cor 7:8) because you can focus stay focused on the kingdom work (vs. 33). (there is also a comment in verse 9 worth reviewing). Look at the two main themes we are discussing: If you marry and have children, train them up to be warriors for the Lord. Teach them by example. If you remain unmarried, focus on expanding the Kingdom for the time is short (vs. 29). Notice that no matter how we see marriage, both choices focus on being fruitful for God. Live to do your part.


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