Saturday, November 19, 2016

Genesis 6:14 - 22, Just as God Commanded

Just as God Commanded

Genesis 6:22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

What do we know about Noah? He was a righteous man, a man who walked with God. When everyone else around him sought their own way, it turned up evil. Good men sought after ungodly women, because the men were enticed by their beauty. This sin brought evil into the families of the righteous and all mankind became evil, except Noah, he did as the Lord commanded.

God promised through a covenant to protect Noah and his family if he would obey him. Noah carried out the will of the Lord and did everything just as God commanded.

K and A, God, through Jesus, made a covenant with you. This new covenant says that you must trust that Jesus paid for your sin and, like Noah, live to carry out all he asks you to do. Hebrews 11 talks about this. It says, by faith Noah built the ark. You will become righteous through faith and show it by your acts of obedience (James 2:18). Ladies, God loves you and wants you to live free from sin. This is true freedom. He want you to be holy and dedicated to him and his way. Do not join with evil however enticing it may appear and do everything, just as God commanded.


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