Monday, November 14, 2016

Genesis 6:8, But Noah

But Noah

Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

The world was full of wickedness. It was bad; every inclination of the heart was evil all the time. It grieved the Lord so much he was sadden that he had made man. He was ready to destroy man and beast from the face of the earth. But then there was Noah!

Noah was different than everyone else. He didn't have evil ruling in his heart. He was a righteous man, blameless among all the evil that reigned around him. Instead of walking in evil ways, Noah walked with God. That is why it was said that Noah found favor in God's eyes.

A & K, if an account of your time on earth is written, will it be said that you walked with God? Will it be said that while the people around you were involved in evil practices, you stood so tall that God could see your righteousness above all the corruption around you?

I pray that you will consider Noah's life and how he lived different than the world around him. He chose to follow God, to be kind and considerate, to help those in need, to lift the fallen, and heal the brokenhearted (Ps 147:3). I implore you to consider this. Live as Christ lived. This is my desire for you. I want it said of my daughters that when all the others were caught in sin and destructive behavior, my girls walked with God and found favor in the eyes of the Lord!


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