Thursday, November 17, 2016

Quick Note: Vying for Position

Vying for Position

I saw a post on Facebook today, and it reminded me of a verse in Proverbs. A man is vying for a position in Trump's government, asking for a particular position. The verse in Proverbs 25:6 & 7  says we should not exalt ourselves. It is better for those in power to tell you to come help than for them to humiliate you before everyone...

Daughters, I say this as an example for you of God's desire or even a requirement for his followers to be servants. We are to be humble, not arrogant or even pushy when filling a position. When writing cover letters for a job position, I taught my student that they need to show confidence not arrogance when promoting themselves. Ladies, don't seek honor, live in such a way that others naturally give it to you. Be a leader by serving those who are under you. That's what Christ did.


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