Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Romans 13:1, Established by God

Established by God

Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit themselves to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Today is election day in America. Our country is in moral decline. The leadership has turned from God, and it has turn the people of the United states from seeking God. Even the day we vote has been maligned as much voting has taken place before the day of voting, insane. We vote today for one of the candidates. Of those who can win, neither is set morally. One despises the way of God, and the other doesn't much care about a personal God. What is a Christian to do? We vote for the one whose plans most closely aligns with Scripture. Will God make that person win? Since God establishes authorities, shouldn't the "most righteous" person always win? No, that is not how God works.

First of all, God sees the bigger picture. He knows what is best for his people, for the church. There are many reasons why a wicked person may be better suited for God's plan. Second, we know that God not only blesses, but he also disciplines, and he punishes as well. We cannot mock God by living against him then expect him to bless us with a righteous leader. We seek our own way then want his blessing when election day comes. That is doubtful. We must be contrite in heart and seeking for and pleading with God for righteousness between elections not just the day of.

A and K, plead with me that God will be merciful to us today. That we do not get what we deserve, but that we will receive a leader that desires help from him to guide our country toward him. When our country puts God first we will succeed. Today God will establish a leader for our country. Do your part in voting in a person that will guide us to the Lord. This is through voting, talking to others, and through prayer. Then, we can relax knowing God will see us through.


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