Monday, November 21, 2016

Genesis 8:1 - 14, God Will Not Forget you

God Will not Forget You

Genesis 8:1  But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the water receded.

God closed the door on Noah and his family, and all the wild animals and livestock. The storms rose and the ark floated away. The ark was closed up for more than year. Imagine being shut in for that long. I am sure they were busy with the animals and all, but it would be easy to get depressed thinking God had forgotten about you. How long would this go on? Will it ever end?

There are troubles in life that seem to go on forever. Troubles with a boss or co-worker, division in the family, or between husband and wife. When will it ever end? Will life ever get better? Does God even see what I am going through? These questions are common. At your age I couldn't fathom such problems. Grandpa used to talk about the troubles of David in the Psalms and how they related to our lives. When I said I didn't understand, he said you will... I do now.

Daughters, know that God doesn't forget about you. Some of your problems you are in or will get into will be of your own making... I always tried to look at others to see what mistakes they made and worked not to repeat them. But, I have made enough of my own troubles that I hope others will learn from and never repeat.

Then there are troubles that are caused by others. I have had to work along side miserable co-workers, or cringe when demeaning bosses showed up on the job. I'd just wanted to walk the other way and disappear. Some people grow up in horrible family conditions... I hurt when I think of them.

But no matter what stage or trial in life you are experiencing, God has not forgotten you. You may not see why you must go through them or when they will ever end, but never forget... God remembers your situation, knows what you can handle, and is willing to ride out the storm with you!


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