Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

I just thought I'd share a quick thought from Mike Holland, Uncle Steve's brother. He spoke well and the message was clear. The sermon title was Ambassadors for Life and Love out of 2 Cor. 5:13 - 21

We have been changed by Christ, the old has gone, then new has come. Being changed, we become ambassadors offering to those around us the message that God will not hold our sins against us. He did this so we could become the righteousness of God. The message of hope we give, we have experienced, so we can give it out with confidence. Therefor, we no longer live for ourselves but for him who died for us.

Daughters, this is you... not striving to please yourself or others,but striving to please God. This might seem insane to those around you for they don't know the purpose for which God calls you. Never mind their comments, just be faithful to your call for the sake of Jesus.


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