Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Genesis 4:9, God Knows

God Knows

Genesis 4:9 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?"

Cain killed his brother because he was angry that God accepted Abel's sacrifice and rejected his. He felt the rejection of God and he burned with hatred. Jesus said that hating your brother is like murder. I believe this is so, because hatred must be possessed in the heart before a murder is committed. Or said differently, murder takes place in the heart before it is carried out.

God warned Cain when he became angry that sin was crouching at his heart's door. Cain failed to heed the warning and succumbed to the pressure and killed his brother. Who knows if he hid the body or just left him there? Yet, we know God knew everything and he asked Cain where his brother was. God was testing the heart of Cain and he was soon about to fail.

K and A, do not think God is blind. You may lie to your parents, your friends, or others and convince them your story is real, but God cannot be fooled. God sees not only what you have done but what you are thinking of doing before you do it. Never fool yourself by trying to fool God, for God knows it all.


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