Monday, November 7, 2016

Genesis 4:25 & 26, Call on the Name of the Lord

Call on the Name of the Lord

Genesis 4:26b ...At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord

Eve bore another son, and they named him Seth. They had other children as well and Seth also married and bore a son, and he named him Enosh. Life was in full swing in the creation God had made.

Some of the following is conjecture on my part...
At that time, the Scripture says that man began to call on the name of the Lord. Adam and Eve could relate the story directly to their offspring, and all knew how important it was to have a relationship with the Lord. They sought him out and lived as he desired them to. They understood sin and the trouble it caused and sought the Lord for direction. God was a crucial part of their lives. No more do we hear of problems until generations later when Noah is on the scene and men had increased in number and wickedness was rampant.

K and A, it is obvious that when we care about doing life God's way, we will call on his name. You cannot serve the Lord by just doing good things or trying to do right. You must call on him to help you live the life he desires. The Bible is a crucial part of Christian living, but knowing it is only part of the solution of holy living. You must call on his name to guide and strengthen your resolve to follow him. He will teach you the way, make you receptive to the way, help you walk in the way if you but call on him to help you. Living for the Lord is a choice. You can go it alone, but you will fail. You can even gather others around you to try and follow him, but if you do not call on the name of the Lord and entreat his help you will fall.

Daughters, I believe you desire to walk in the ways of the Lord. Do so by calling on his name everyday, throughout the day. You will find him faithful.


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