Monday, November 28, 2016

Genesis 8:22, Never again

Never Again

Genesis 8:22 "As long as earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

We need not heed the "wolf" cries of the doomsayers. Like Chicken Little they cry, "The sky is falling. The sky is falling!" But nothing happens. Today, we hear the earth is coming to an end; The planets are aligned like never before and certain doom is evident. The ozone has a hole in it and we'll all burn up. stop using fossil fuels or global warming will cause the ice caps to melt and all will be covered with water. We need not fear. God has promised to never destroy all of earth nor all life on earth until the end of times no matter how wicked man may be. When that time comes, it will happen despite mankind's efforts to save it.

K and A, do you ever fear the destruction of life as we know it? There is no doubt that we can pollute and waste resources to and cause great turmoil, but we cannot destroy the whole earth. Man does not contain the power to do so. Keep your faith in the God of Heaven. He said there is a day coming when the earth and the heaven will be destroyed and replaced. That is a day to look forward to. But, only the Father knows the day and time of that event. The only thing to fear is not being ready for Christ to return. Make sure you are ready then live in the hear and now, rest in his love, and be certain that God will protect and strengthen you until that day comes. Never again, is his promise to you!


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