Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Note, I Thank God

I Thank God

Philippians 1:3 I thank God every time I think of you.


It's Thanksgiving day daughters. I do thank God you each of you. God has blessed me because of you.

One a talented, developing singer and worker in his kingdom for many years. You touch the lives of  children through your teaching. You also touch others, both young and old, through your exemplary life. You so kindness and reserve, sharpness and wit. May God continue to bless you and develop you for his work. Yield to his way and walk the path as he directs. Proverbs 3:5 & 6

The other is talented in other ways. Accomplished on the piano and able to touch lives as well. You have begun to reach children and youth as well. Although it is new for you, you put your hand to the task even as you are very busy. To too touch the lives of others. In your work you care for the elderly. They need love and care and you give it. Seek what God has for you. Give to him in time and heart. He will show you how to live and how to love. Luke 10:27

Happy Thanksgiving I love you and thank God for you. Serve and love him always.


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