Thursday, September 26, 2019

Replacing God, Micah 1:1-7

Replacing God

Micah 1:5 All this is because of Jacob's transgression, because of the sons of the house of Israel. What is Jacob's transgression? Is it not Samaria? What is Judah's hig place? Is it not Jerusalem?

Verse 5 show the main sin that the two kingdoms of Israel had perpetrated. They replaced the one true God with a god made out of the figment of their imagination. The created idols to bow down and devote their lives to. They created a sacrificial system to help "cleanse" their consciences. They worship false gods to plead for protection and to provide the necessities of life. They traded the hope and contentment for sadness and despair. Their lives were empty and they didn't realize why. The Israelites and Jews had broken the first 2 commandments of the Lord: Do not have any other god's before me and Do not make for yourselves idols and bow down to them... They had broken the covenant they had made with the Lord!

K and A, you cannot not replace the Lord with a god of your choosing and expect God not to be hurt. At some point, like Israel and Judah, he will judge your for it, and you will know that he truly is the only God. The Israelites were God's people, his children. He loved and protected them, yet they forsook him and his ways, his commandments. Be careful. You too, are God's children. He loves you and desires to care for you, but if you forsake his ways and choose your own way, he will surely judge you. Remember, what you read in the OT is a lesson to guide you in following the Lord. Jesus is your Savior today, but in the future, he will be your judge! Live in such a way that pleases the Father and you will be confident on that Day.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Lord Knows, Micah 1:2b

The Lord Knows

Micah 1:2b that the Sovereign Lord may witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple.

We are going to go through the book of Micah next. It is not a pleasant book full of cheery accolades, yet in the midst of doom and promised destruction, we find hope. God is not blind to our sin. He will not sit idly by and pretend that he does not see or does not care. He is acutely aware, works to bring correction and commences judgement at the right times.

Daughters, I do not know this book. I am sure as we go through it, a passage here and there will jog my memory, and I'll remember some of the verses. Keep in mind that my writings are not exposes on the passages that we cover. They are thoughts and promptings that I believe are from the Lord for your encouragement toward living holy. I expect the book of  Micah to more difficult to cover than most I have done, but with the grace of God you will find in my writings the same hope the people of Judah and Israel realized in the midst of their tough times. Sin does not bring about God's love and affection, yet in the middle of our struggles, God, in his infinite love, reaches to us to bring us out of the mire we have gotten ourselves into. If you ever find yourself stuck, reach up to him, and let him pull you out.


  He Brought Me Out

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I'm Impressed. Deuteronomy 6:6-9

I.m Impressed

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. talk about them when you sit at home, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them on as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

I am wrapping up my writings on the Ten Commandments. These verses say much about what God expects from his children; they are to become like him! He, then, expects us to pass them on to our children. It is not to be done in a way that is taught in many circles today... optional.

We must not make the commandments of the Lord - of God the Father and of Jesus Christ, and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, optional suggestions. We are not to allow children to decide for themselves what is right and wrong, moral or unjust. The must know what God expects of them and what righteousness looks like. We first must live it, then we are to teach it as well! All the areas of our lives are to show that we believe what God says is best for our lives; at church , at home, in the workplace or during times of pleasure... Our Lives Must Show We Love God.

K and A, Many parents want to impress their children... look what a great cook I am, look how well I can sing, see what an amazing athlete I became... But you are not to be that way! Surely I want you to work hard, do well, and excel in all you put your mind and hand to, but that matters little compared to obedience to the Lord. Show your family, your spouse, your children, the people around you that you love God and are totally devoted to him and his ways... I want to know you love God! Impress me!


  Live for Jesus, That's What Matters

Monday, September 23, 2019

Not to the Left, Nor To Your Right, Deuteronomy 5:33

Not To the Left, Not To The Right

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Often when someone is giving me directions as we travel, they say, just go straight. As I am about to run off the road at the next curve, I find that they really do not mean what they say. They still want me to go left or right around every curve we come to. What they are really saying is, they do not want me to turn off the road we are travelling.

God is the saying the same to us. Certainly, on our road of life, there are many curves we must travel around, or we will run off the road, and our lives will be wrecked. Conversely, there are other times in our lives where we need to decide which road to take. Despite the need to make a decision, there is path that God is leading you down. What do you do when God leads you to a fork in the road? I have found that God wants to lead us, and we must trust him to guide us. Proverbs 3:5&6 says... Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Do we really believe that?

K and A, there is a path that God wants you to take. I look less for the "perfect" plan, and I look more for the way he has already shown me. Is it right for us to cheat on our taxes and not claim monies received for work done "under the table"? No, he has already shown us the path of honesty. Do not swerve from what he has already shown you. Abide by these Ten Commandments. Do not swerve from any of them, even commandment number 4. Do this even when other "good" people you know choose not to do so. And, Listen to his voice of leading, trust his way, then walk on the path he has for you. You will find it the best road to travel!


Friday, September 20, 2019

Go Straight, Deuteronomy 5:32

Go Straight

Deuteronomy 5:32 So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the left or to the right.

We must stay on the straight and narrow path. Technically, that saying is not an accurate quote. but the truth still lies in what it purports. That is, we must walk the Christian life without turning off the path to walk the ways of the world.

K and A, God has a way to live, and we are not to deviate from it. Everything may not be clear cut, but for those things that are... do what you know is right! Do not allow today's misinterpretations fool you. Follow his commands both the NT one and the OT one - as clarified by the NT writings. Devote yourselves to the teachings and flee the temptations of pleasure and ease. Be careful to do as God directs.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Inclined To Obey, Deuteronomy 5:29

inclined To Obey

Deuteronomy 5:29 Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children  forever!

The Lord's desire for Israel was that their instinctive response would be to follow him. The Israelites seemed to fail God more often than not. Of all the Kings of Israel, David was the most godly, two others were fair, and after that, the northern kingdom had zero good kings. In the kingdom of Judah, the were 8 good kings and 12 evil ones. Even in Judah, we can see that their inclination was to do evil. They chose to fear the nations around them and serve their gods.

David, a man chosen by God to take over for the failed king Saul, was called a man after God's own heart. Yet, he too failed God by stealing a man's wife, and then had that man killed in battle, so he could take her to be his wife. Although those were certainly egregious acts, God forgave David when he repented of his sin... He was a man after God's own heart because he was inclined to follow the Lord's commands, not because he would always be perfect. David's desire was to please his Lord!

K and A, seek to please the Lord in all you say and do. Plan to take the high road and stay far from the edge of sin. This seems to be a contrary view from most in the church today, yet this is where we are called to live. Make it your desire to find out what the Lord desires and live it even when other good people walk a different path. Then, you will find that it will go well for you and your future children!


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

More Than Words, Deuteronomy 5:27

More Than Words

Deuteronomy 5:27Go near and listen to all that the Lord our God tells you. We will listen and obey.

After the people of Israel heard the voice of God delivery the Ten Commandments from the out of the fire, they were fearful. Apparently the whole mountain appeared to be on fire, and they thought it would consume them. They asked Moses if he would speak with the Lord and be an intermediary for them... You listen to the Lord, then tell us what he says, and we will obey.

The people of Israel were a finicky bunch. Moaning and complaining, committed then weak, These people seemed to be committed only in word and failed to fully trust the Lord. We must learn from their example. As the Israelites heard from the Lord, they believed what he said was good, but they couldn't see that God was good and would protect them. God spoke to them, not in a vision, not through an intermediary, but thunderously through the fire. Certainly, this was an awesome sight. One that would cause you to have reverence and a degree of fear. They recognized his law was good and wanted to hear more from God, but they did not want to be close to him. That was for somebody else. They tasted the Lord and he was good, but they could not take refuge in him.

K and A, It is common for people to go to church throughout their life and never really be committed to the Lord. Any real encounter with the Lord scares them, and they do not want to "go through" with him. An association with Christ is enough for them. But you, be willing to fully trust the Lord. There have been times for me when the commitment God called me to seemed bigger than I could handle, but I have found that victory and peace comes in following his ways. Understand, daughters, that being a Chrstian is much more than just salvation. You are to go on from there unto perfection. It more than just saying, I believe in Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Spoken By God, Deuteronomy 5:22

SPoken By God

Deuteronomy 5:22 These are the commandments the Lord proclaimed in a loud voice to your whole assembly there on the mountain from out of the fire, the cloud and the deep darkness; and he added nothing more. Then, he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.

The Ten Commandments are not a set of moral codes set up by Moses for the people of Israel. These laws are commanded by God himself! He spoke them, so all who were in attendance could hear. These he also wrote down on stone tablets, so those who were not there could know them as well.

That would be us! We too have heard the Word God spoke to the Israelites. We know his commands. But is that enough? No! It is not. We are not called to just know them but to do them. Jesus said that when we obey his God's commands, it shows that we truly love him. If we obey his commands, God will love us. (Oh now, before you get all snowflakey on me, There is a love God has for us that is not dependent on our spiritual condition. I am not talking about that type of love.) God has a special love for his children which goes beyond his love for all people. There is a closeness with God that comes to those who obey the Words he has spoken.

K and A, Do you obey all the ten commandments? Or do you pick and choose. They are the voice of God given for you. Do you have the closeness to God that is possible for those that truly love him? If you are obedient to his Word, his Spirit will come close, and you will never be the same! Seek to know his Word. Purpose to carry out his decrees. You will find nothing better than following his voice!


Monday, September 16, 2019

Do Not Covet, Deuteronomy 5:21

Do Not Covet

Deuteronomy 5:21 You shall not covet your neighbors wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor's house or land, his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

If your neighbor is anyone you meet, and you are not to covet anything your neighbor has... that about covers it. Do not covet! As the second sentence of this verse says, to covet is to desire what your neighbor has. Failure to follow this command can lead to violating many of the other commands relating to your fellow man. If you covet someone's wife, you may commit adultery. If you covet their land, you may murder. If you covet anything they have, you may end up stealing those possessions. Covetousness goes hand in hand with jealousy, and they change how people act toward one another and how they respect what others have. Great evils come from not controlling the desires of the heart.

What do we do when others succeed? Do we covet their award, their accolades? Do we get upset at them? If others get a new car, new clothes, glasses, hair style... Why are their new fads? Too often, we don't want to look out of place, or we desire what others will say, how "hip" or how fashionable we are. We must not seek such pride.

K and A, desire the things of the Lord. Desire more of him in your life. Forget chasing after the ways of the world. Seek to be acceptable to him. There is much talk about being your own person... who cares what others think. Yet, this too is not good. Instead of seeking acceptance from man, or from self, seek acceptance from God. It only matters what he thinks. When you earnestly desire him, you will become the apple of his eye. There you will find his protection and love. You will have everything you always wanted and more!


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Do Not Lie II, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Lie, II

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

A little sick today so Friday's post is coming out on Saturday...

I wanted to talk a little about more about lying. In what ways do people lie?

Little White Lies These, no matter how good the intention are untrue statements and often lead to greater lies.
  • Did you do your homework last night? Yes, but I left it on the table. You had never done you homework
  • Are you coming to the picnic? No, I'm not feeling well. You feel fine you just don't want to go.
  • Come along, Mom. We'll go to their anniversary celebration. Actually it was a surprise birthday party for her.
Lies of Protection These lies are set to protect someone, yourself or others, Similar to white lies, these are still falsehoods. Sad thing is they normally create a larger issue than they were that must be dealt with later, when it could have been settled at the beginning with minor pain on either side.
  • Is your father there, says the boss on the phone. He's not here right now. Really, your dad just doesn't want to be called into work, and you are protecting his name on the call in list.
  • Is Sally there? No, she had to go out to the store with her dad. Actually, she can't stand her "friend" but doesn't want to hurt her feelings.
  • Do you want to go get something to eat together? No, I'm not really hungry. Sadly you don't have the nerve to tell him you can't stand him. 
Direct Lies These lies most people believe are wrong yet some do them anyway.
  • Anyone see my hacksaw? George, did you see it? No, I don't even know what it looks like. You stole it while he was at lunch.
  • Did you tattle on me? No! Liar, Jordan said you told him and that you were going to tell the boss! He's lying. I didn't say that! You are caught but you make up other lies to cover it up.
K and A, there are all kinds of lies. I just wanted to spark your mind into thinking about the things you have said, or heard others say. Remember that all liars have their place in the lake of fire! That is an important truth we cannot deny. As I said in my last post, we don't have to blabber all the brutal truth, but when we are confronted directly, we must never tell an untruth!


Here is an example of not telling the whole truth yet being honest to keep from saying an untruth...

I once was working for a farmer. He needed a special breaker I did not have and was a special order item. Later, when I went to his place to work he asked if I had the breaker... I had not ordered it, but I should have y then. So, trying to protect myself I said, it is not in yet. That is not untrue, but when he asked did I order it... I had to say no, I hadn't. Doing otherwise was certainly a lie that God would held me accountable for! Be careful not to lie, eternity depends on it. You may save face now but loose your soul forever!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Do Not Lie, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Lie

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

But who is my neighbor? said an expert in the law to Jesus. Although this commandment does not specifically specify lying, to bear false testimony is lying. And as Jesus said through the parable of the good Samaritan , our neighbor is anyone we meet. We must not take someone down by making up a story about them. It is the Christian's duty to encourage and lift those whom we meet or are in acquaintance with. To tear them down, is contrary to God's character and ours!

Now lying is very similar. We may not be tearing someone down, but we are certainly trying to keep others from seeing the truth. We are altering the truth by creating a false picture. We may be seeking to protect our character or hide something from others. What ever the reason, we must keep in mind that the Lord said that all liars have their place in the lake of fire!

K and A, lying for any reason is wrong. There certainly are cases in which it is wise not to tell everything we know. I have heard people say, well, to be truthful..., in backing up what they say (let your yes be yes and your no, no). It is as if they are saying, at other times I am lying. Better to say something like, well, to be completely open...  I am certainly not open with everything I talk about. You don't have enough time to hear it all anyway. Live above the temptation of lying for any reason. White lies are just as black as regular lies.  Even when you find that the truth may hurt you, even when you feel it may hurt the person you are talking to, it always hurts less than the trouble a lie creates! Remember that honesty is always best.


PS. I never said you should be brutally honest. Remember we are to encourage and lift others. Sometimes, it is best to keep our mouths shut!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Do Not Steal, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Steal

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not steal.

When people desire to have what another has and their hearts are evil, the steal it. At work, people have stolen items worth hundreds of dollars. People also steal lost cost items of only a few dollars. Recently, we were set to have a picnic and the main gas grill was missing. No one knew where it had gone. Apparently, it must have vanished into thin air?!

Are things the only way to steal. We had a pastor once who remembered a sermon he had heard over 50 years earlier preached on stealing people's time. There's a thought. What other things can we think of... stealing honor, someone's credit, stealing glory from God, stealing someone's self-esteem... Taking what belongs to another without their permission is stealing. We must be careful, we must be honest with ourselves.

K and A, I try never to steal... but I have taken some things that belonged to others thinking they would thrown out and as the Lord kept bothering me, I took them back. One was an old  pencil sharpener from a jobsite. It would have gone in the dumpster, so I unscrewed it from the counter before the counter was discarded. Later the banker, Mr. Singer if I'm not mistaken, came and asked if anyone saw the pencil sharpener... I never said a word, until months later well after the job was complete... I returned with the sharpener and asked for Mr. Singer... I explained what I had done and asked for forgiveness. He said it was okay, and that I could keep it. I remember telling him to keep it. The point: when the Lord convicts you, do as he asks and clear your conscience, before it gets seared! Otherwise, you won't mind sinning any more. Repentance helps build our faith and trust in God.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Do Not Commit Adultery, Deuteronomy 5:18

Do Not Commit Adultery

Deuteronomy 5:18 You shall not commit adultery

Having sexual intercourse with a married person is considered adultery. It could be a person who is married having intercourse with a person who is not married, or two married persons who each have spouses. Two unmarried person having intercourse is considered fornication and is against God 's law as well, but is not specifically covered by this commandment.

Jesus, in the Sermon on The Mount, toughened this commandment. As with murder, he took it back to where it starts, in the heart and mind. He says, if anyone looks lustfully on a woman, he has already committed adultery in his heart. Lust is to adultery as hate is to killing! It begins in the heart and mind and pervade the parts of your body. As another example, Jesus says that what comes out of the mouth started in the heart and defiles the man.

K and A, there are two things that I heard often  over the years... when speaking about swearing, oops that slipped, I don't talk that way - what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. It's okay to look, just so you don't touch - you already committed adultery in your heart. Sexual sin is rampant today. Whether married or single, sexual sin and temptations are real. It has been a problem throughout all generations. TV and movies, the internet are full of it. When you begin to minimize the issue, it begins to suck you in and soon you'll be caught. So stay far from it... I have saved a post... it applies to married and unmarried alike entitled, I Kept My Virginity but Not My Purity. Stay far from the boundary of sin! It can happen to you if not vigilant.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Do Not Murder, Deuteronomy 5:17

Do Not Murder

Deuteronomy 5:17 You shall not murder.

You may think, what is there to say about this verse? Everyone know and believes that... This is not the case. What is murder? Is killing murder? What if you shoot someone in self-defense, how about if they killed one of your family members, killed someone in a war, ran them over with a car? Utilized capital punishment? Is it right to put someone to death if they rape someone? I heard a man say that if someone tortures an animal, they should the death penalty. It is not so cut and dry.

We cannot cover every area in one post. First of all, I do not know all the answers, nor does anyone else. I believe that this "murder" is a purposed taking of another's life, an action planned and carried out outside of the justice system and war. Now I caution people who want to join the armed forces... remember you are taking a persons life without your decision. If they are not saved, you cease their possibility of turning to Christ. The same goes for police, killing in self-defense, or to protect others... each one must consider these areas of decision.

Christ expanded on this commandment in the Sermon on the Mount. He said, if you call someone a fool, you are in danger of the fires of hell; if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgement. Later, John says that if you hate your brother, you are a murderer! We minimize these teachings, but we should join them to help in understanding the meaning of this commandment: you shall not kill.

K and A, Jesus says he gave you a new command; love one another. He also told you to not hate, rather if someone strikes you, do not strike back, allow them to do it again?! The Lord say that it is his duty to avenge. You are to leave it go and allow room for his wrath to commence. Be assured, God will repay. I doubt if you will actually murder someone physically... but be careful not to destroy someone's spirit... as a teacher, as a aunt, as mother that can happen. I do not think hurting someone's feeling is murder (unless extreme), but we must always be sensitive to how our words hurt. Show love and build others up, that's what God desires.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Honor Your Parents, Deuteronomy 5:16

Honor Your Parents

Deuteronomy 5:16 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

I don't know why, but until this year I had always looked at this commandment as a child's rule. But, it is not just for them. In fact, I believe it is more for the adult. Sure, Paul tells children, "obey your parents," but here God is telling the people of Israel to honor their parents. This goes well beyond childhood... Selah. (think for awhile about how you can make that happen)

K and A, as you may know, I took Grandpa out and rode with him on the tractor to allow him to mow lawn while blind... It took a year of convincing, but he finally agreed to go. Contrary to his first rejection, he enjoyed it! That is honoring your parents. About a month ago, Grandma needed to go get a test done at the doctors in Newport, and it would take 1-1/2 hours. I wanted to go help a friend clean up their house, because they were soon moving... I told the friend that as much as I wanted to be there early, I would need to take my mom to the doctor's. What the friend didn't know was that My Mom decided to take herself after I said I was busy... I changed my mind and took her. That is honoring your parents.

You see, honoring your parents goes on after you grow up. In fact, it continues even after they die... you honor them for as long as you live and you teach your children to honor them as well. Be careful how you speak about your parents in front of your own children. Honor them before everyone.


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Observe The Sabbath V: God Has Commanded, Deuteronomy 5:14c

Observe The Sabbath V: God Has Commanded

Deuteronomy 5:14c  Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

This exhortation by God has me slightly confused. What does coming out of Egypt have to do with observing the Sabbath? I believe what God is saying here is that he did a wonderful amazing act in their lives, and that this gives him the right to set the rules. He delivered them from slavery, so they now owe him their devotion. If God says this particular day is holy and dedicated to him, then they must respect him and follow his decree. They owe him their lives.

K and A, you too were delivered from slavery. You owe God your very life and devotion. In general, whatever he commands you are to do. I believe the Sundays, the Sabbath, are to be considered holy. Do not try to see how much you can do and not call it work for you or for others. Live in such a way that your conscience is clear. This need not be a burden. Will it be tougher than not respecting God on this day? Certainly. This is because the rest of the church and society ignores this commandment. I am asking you to be different and follow the teaching of the Word. Read and study it for yourself and I believe you will find out for yourself that the Sabbath is to be holy.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Observe The Sabbath IV: No One Is To Work, Deuteronomy 5:14b

Observe The Sabbath IV: No One Is To Work

Deuteronomy 5:14b On it you shall not do any work, neither you nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey, nor any of your animals, nor the aliens within your gates, so that you manservants and maidservants may rest, as you do.

This is straight forward: Do not do any work on the Sabbath, Not you, not your children, and not those who work for you. God even went as far as to say that those living among you must not work. That is pretty comprehensive: no one is to be working even if they aren't Israelites and not even your animals.

But what is considered work? Jesus helped to clarify that for some who were polluting God's Law. He basically said, look, David did what was unlawful when it was a necessity, and my disciples did as well. He also said, if someone else is in great need, it is proper to help them.

K and A, I believe my generation has polluted many things in the Scriptures, and I believe your generation has embraced what we have taught. K you have not had tight upbringing on this subject... I ask you to reconsider and read what the Bible has to say on the subject, not what you see good people do. What I am teaching you is not some new and strange teaching. It wasn't until the 70's that stores began to be open on Sunday. It was then that church people started to go out to eat and soon after go to the stores themselves. Did you know there are states that restrict Sunday sales on some items, like cars, yet today!

You say, but that was nearly 50 years ago... so its been nearly 2000 years since Christ spoke on the subject, and we are just now figuring out what he meant by it... are we that narcissistic to think we are now somehow more enlightened?! 

Daughters, stick to this... God said, do not do any work or have others do it for you. Jesus clarified God's command and said of course you should help those in need, including yourself. I say, follow their decrees and consider doing nothing that can be done another day. Pulling weeds, mowing lawn, changing oil, washing the car, going out to eat - making others work, etc... I even caution you on travelling on Sundays and  going to sporting events. We do a lot of things and then call them good so we can say, Jesus said we can do good on the Sabbath! Don't make excuses to see what you can get away with. Live in a way that seek to satisfy God and his Word.


Note: 2 examples of  a warped church

We had a pastor who preached you can do anything on Sunday that you do any other day! Now one of our attendees often doesn't come in the summer, because he has to bale hay... he never did before that sermon. I know that first hand. It is sad.

The same pastor skipped church to attend a college football game for his nephew... family time is necessary he said.

These are not just examples of breaking the Sabbath, but they show how the church is affected by those in leadership and are given a reasons to make excuses for themselves of why not to keep the Sabbath.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Observe The Sabbath III: To The Lord, Deuteronomy 5:14

Observe The Sabbath III, To The Lord

Deuteronomy 5:14a but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

We need to remember that the Sabbath - the day of rest, is not just for our benefit. It says here that the it is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. I do not remember hearing it posed that way before. Normally, I hear it, wait let me correct that, I never hear it taught any more, rather I have heard it preached in the past... onward, I have heard it taught in the past in light of how beneficial it is for us to observe the Sabbath. It gives us a day to recuperate for the week's work, it is good for our bodies and minds. It is good for us spiritually, a time for people to worship together. It builds families and friends. We can visit and spend time with each other. There are numerous benefits for us, But how does it benefit God? How does our observance of the Sabbath bring God honor?

Keep in mind that these posts that I write are not comprehensive... they are ideas and thoughts on the scripture we are covering interpreted from what I have learned over the years, my best thought at the time I write them...

We honor God through obedience to him. Observing the Sabbath is one way we do that. It is a way that we show we truly love him. At creation, God established the Sabbath. On that day he ceased from his work. When the people of Israel received the manna from heaven, God did not send them any on the Sabbath. They were to gather extra the sixth day, so they had enough for the Sabbath day. Bake and prepare what you want they day before for tomorrow is a day of rest.

K and A, you bring honor to the Lord when you observe the Sabbath. You show your respect for him when you respect the day he sanctified and made holy... it is a day for him. Yes, it benefits you, but following the Sabbath honors him! Show your love by keeping the day holy.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Observe The Sabbath II: Work Is Good, Deuteronomy 5:13

Observe The Sabbath II: Work Is Good

Deuteronomy 5:13 Six days shall you labor and do all you work

Saturdays, the first full day of the weekend, time to get out the boat and head to the lake, time to sit by the pool and relax, time to kick back. No, the Bible says that six days shall you work! I heard that in a sermon over 20 years ago and it still rings in my ear. Looking back, I am sure that was not the point of the sermon, but I took it to heart. Now, God doesn't expect us to work all the time. First of all there is the Sabbath, but more than that, we see in the life of the OT Hebrew, God created all kinds of holidays and sabbaths where they rejoiced, relaxed, and ate together. Yet, when God set down the laws of the Israel, he reiterated a work standard that he began at creation.

K and A, God is constantly at work in you life, and you are created in his image. God values work, for work is a good thing. It has many beneficial elements in relation to health. This is true physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. God desires to complete his work in you. Completing a task produces great satisfaction and self-worth. When God was finished creating, the Bible says that he saw all he had made and it was very good. A job, well done, does the same for us. Daughters, keep busy, be that Proverbs 31 woman. In doing so, you will avoid many of the pit falls and evils in life. Work is good for you!


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Observe The Sabbath, Deuteronomy 5:12

Ibserve The Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5:12 Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.

This a commandment with which most do not agree, nor do they follow. I think most American Christians only believe in nine commandments, but to them the fourth one is not applicable for today. Some believe Jesus did away with it in the NT. Others believe everyday is to be holy unto the Lord, so the Sabbath is like another day. There is thought that you can make any day a Sabbath, not just a specific day that everyone follows. It is rare to find someone who lives it out.

To keep something holy, is to keep it separated from the sinful ways of the world and dedicated to God. That concept is good for every day but the Sabbath day is not just to be holy, it is to be a sabbath. A sabbath is a resting time, a time of no work, a period of time in which we cut out our efforts to advance our plans and agendas and only do things that have to be done. I believe Jesus clarified that with the Pharisees.

K and A, the sabbath principle was established at creation. The Lord reiterated it with the people of Israel on Mount Sinai. Jesus helped clarify some points with the Pharisees. Jesus said he is Lord of the Sabbath, but I believe many are acting today as if they are. I doubt that I have it all understood exactly as God designed it. I know it is hard to keep this commandment when the church chooses to ignore it. I challenge you to read Genesis and NT passages, and then choose to honor the day as God designed it; a day of no work. I believe it will deepen your walk with him!
