Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Spoken By God, Deuteronomy 5:22

SPoken By God

Deuteronomy 5:22 These are the commandments the Lord proclaimed in a loud voice to your whole assembly there on the mountain from out of the fire, the cloud and the deep darkness; and he added nothing more. Then, he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.

The Ten Commandments are not a set of moral codes set up by Moses for the people of Israel. These laws are commanded by God himself! He spoke them, so all who were in attendance could hear. These he also wrote down on stone tablets, so those who were not there could know them as well.

That would be us! We too have heard the Word God spoke to the Israelites. We know his commands. But is that enough? No! It is not. We are not called to just know them but to do them. Jesus said that when we obey his God's commands, it shows that we truly love him. If we obey his commands, God will love us. (Oh now, before you get all snowflakey on me, There is a love God has for us that is not dependent on our spiritual condition. I am not talking about that type of love.) God has a special love for his children which goes beyond his love for all people. There is a closeness with God that comes to those who obey the Words he has spoken.

K and A, Do you obey all the ten commandments? Or do you pick and choose. They are the voice of God given for you. Do you have the closeness to God that is possible for those that truly love him? If you are obedient to his Word, his Spirit will come close, and you will never be the same! Seek to know his Word. Purpose to carry out his decrees. You will find nothing better than following his voice!


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