Thursday, September 12, 2019

Do Not Lie, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Lie

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

But who is my neighbor? said an expert in the law to Jesus. Although this commandment does not specifically specify lying, to bear false testimony is lying. And as Jesus said through the parable of the good Samaritan , our neighbor is anyone we meet. We must not take someone down by making up a story about them. It is the Christian's duty to encourage and lift those whom we meet or are in acquaintance with. To tear them down, is contrary to God's character and ours!

Now lying is very similar. We may not be tearing someone down, but we are certainly trying to keep others from seeing the truth. We are altering the truth by creating a false picture. We may be seeking to protect our character or hide something from others. What ever the reason, we must keep in mind that the Lord said that all liars have their place in the lake of fire!

K and A, lying for any reason is wrong. There certainly are cases in which it is wise not to tell everything we know. I have heard people say, well, to be truthful..., in backing up what they say (let your yes be yes and your no, no). It is as if they are saying, at other times I am lying. Better to say something like, well, to be completely open...  I am certainly not open with everything I talk about. You don't have enough time to hear it all anyway. Live above the temptation of lying for any reason. White lies are just as black as regular lies.  Even when you find that the truth may hurt you, even when you feel it may hurt the person you are talking to, it always hurts less than the trouble a lie creates! Remember that honesty is always best.


PS. I never said you should be brutally honest. Remember we are to encourage and lift others. Sometimes, it is best to keep our mouths shut!

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