Monday, September 9, 2019

Do Not Murder, Deuteronomy 5:17

Do Not Murder

Deuteronomy 5:17 You shall not murder.

You may think, what is there to say about this verse? Everyone know and believes that... This is not the case. What is murder? Is killing murder? What if you shoot someone in self-defense, how about if they killed one of your family members, killed someone in a war, ran them over with a car? Utilized capital punishment? Is it right to put someone to death if they rape someone? I heard a man say that if someone tortures an animal, they should the death penalty. It is not so cut and dry.

We cannot cover every area in one post. First of all, I do not know all the answers, nor does anyone else. I believe that this "murder" is a purposed taking of another's life, an action planned and carried out outside of the justice system and war. Now I caution people who want to join the armed forces... remember you are taking a persons life without your decision. If they are not saved, you cease their possibility of turning to Christ. The same goes for police, killing in self-defense, or to protect others... each one must consider these areas of decision.

Christ expanded on this commandment in the Sermon on the Mount. He said, if you call someone a fool, you are in danger of the fires of hell; if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgement. Later, John says that if you hate your brother, you are a murderer! We minimize these teachings, but we should join them to help in understanding the meaning of this commandment: you shall not kill.

K and A, Jesus says he gave you a new command; love one another. He also told you to not hate, rather if someone strikes you, do not strike back, allow them to do it again?! The Lord say that it is his duty to avenge. You are to leave it go and allow room for his wrath to commence. Be assured, God will repay. I doubt if you will actually murder someone physically... but be careful not to destroy someone's spirit... as a teacher, as a aunt, as mother that can happen. I do not think hurting someone's feeling is murder (unless extreme), but we must always be sensitive to how our words hurt. Show love and build others up, that's what God desires.


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