Thursday, September 5, 2019

Observe The Sabbath III: To The Lord, Deuteronomy 5:14

Observe The Sabbath III, To The Lord

Deuteronomy 5:14a but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

We need to remember that the Sabbath - the day of rest, is not just for our benefit. It says here that the it is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. I do not remember hearing it posed that way before. Normally, I hear it, wait let me correct that, I never hear it taught any more, rather I have heard it preached in the past... onward, I have heard it taught in the past in light of how beneficial it is for us to observe the Sabbath. It gives us a day to recuperate for the week's work, it is good for our bodies and minds. It is good for us spiritually, a time for people to worship together. It builds families and friends. We can visit and spend time with each other. There are numerous benefits for us, But how does it benefit God? How does our observance of the Sabbath bring God honor?

Keep in mind that these posts that I write are not comprehensive... they are ideas and thoughts on the scripture we are covering interpreted from what I have learned over the years, my best thought at the time I write them...

We honor God through obedience to him. Observing the Sabbath is one way we do that. It is a way that we show we truly love him. At creation, God established the Sabbath. On that day he ceased from his work. When the people of Israel received the manna from heaven, God did not send them any on the Sabbath. They were to gather extra the sixth day, so they had enough for the Sabbath day. Bake and prepare what you want they day before for tomorrow is a day of rest.

K and A, you bring honor to the Lord when you observe the Sabbath. You show your respect for him when you respect the day he sanctified and made holy... it is a day for him. Yes, it benefits you, but following the Sabbath honors him! Show your love by keeping the day holy.


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