Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Observe The Sabbath II: Work Is Good, Deuteronomy 5:13

Observe The Sabbath II: Work Is Good

Deuteronomy 5:13 Six days shall you labor and do all you work

Saturdays, the first full day of the weekend, time to get out the boat and head to the lake, time to sit by the pool and relax, time to kick back. No, the Bible says that six days shall you work! I heard that in a sermon over 20 years ago and it still rings in my ear. Looking back, I am sure that was not the point of the sermon, but I took it to heart. Now, God doesn't expect us to work all the time. First of all there is the Sabbath, but more than that, we see in the life of the OT Hebrew, God created all kinds of holidays and sabbaths where they rejoiced, relaxed, and ate together. Yet, when God set down the laws of the Israel, he reiterated a work standard that he began at creation.

K and A, God is constantly at work in you life, and you are created in his image. God values work, for work is a good thing. It has many beneficial elements in relation to health. This is true physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. God desires to complete his work in you. Completing a task produces great satisfaction and self-worth. When God was finished creating, the Bible says that he saw all he had made and it was very good. A job, well done, does the same for us. Daughters, keep busy, be that Proverbs 31 woman. In doing so, you will avoid many of the pit falls and evils in life. Work is good for you!


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