Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Do Not Commit Adultery, Deuteronomy 5:18

Do Not Commit Adultery

Deuteronomy 5:18 You shall not commit adultery

Having sexual intercourse with a married person is considered adultery. It could be a person who is married having intercourse with a person who is not married, or two married persons who each have spouses. Two unmarried person having intercourse is considered fornication and is against God 's law as well, but is not specifically covered by this commandment.

Jesus, in the Sermon on The Mount, toughened this commandment. As with murder, he took it back to where it starts, in the heart and mind. He says, if anyone looks lustfully on a woman, he has already committed adultery in his heart. Lust is to adultery as hate is to killing! It begins in the heart and mind and pervade the parts of your body. As another example, Jesus says that what comes out of the mouth started in the heart and defiles the man.

K and A, there are two things that I heard often  over the years... when speaking about swearing, oops that slipped, I don't talk that way - what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. It's okay to look, just so you don't touch - you already committed adultery in your heart. Sexual sin is rampant today. Whether married or single, sexual sin and temptations are real. It has been a problem throughout all generations. TV and movies, the internet are full of it. When you begin to minimize the issue, it begins to suck you in and soon you'll be caught. So stay far from it... I have saved a post... it applies to married and unmarried alike entitled, I Kept My Virginity but Not My Purity. Stay far from the boundary of sin! It can happen to you if not vigilant.


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