Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Do Not Steal, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Steal

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not steal.

When people desire to have what another has and their hearts are evil, the steal it. At work, people have stolen items worth hundreds of dollars. People also steal lost cost items of only a few dollars. Recently, we were set to have a picnic and the main gas grill was missing. No one knew where it had gone. Apparently, it must have vanished into thin air?!

Are things the only way to steal. We had a pastor once who remembered a sermon he had heard over 50 years earlier preached on stealing people's time. There's a thought. What other things can we think of... stealing honor, someone's credit, stealing glory from God, stealing someone's self-esteem... Taking what belongs to another without their permission is stealing. We must be careful, we must be honest with ourselves.

K and A, I try never to steal... but I have taken some things that belonged to others thinking they would thrown out and as the Lord kept bothering me, I took them back. One was an old  pencil sharpener from a jobsite. It would have gone in the dumpster, so I unscrewed it from the counter before the counter was discarded. Later the banker, Mr. Singer if I'm not mistaken, came and asked if anyone saw the pencil sharpener... I never said a word, until months later well after the job was complete... I returned with the sharpener and asked for Mr. Singer... I explained what I had done and asked for forgiveness. He said it was okay, and that I could keep it. I remember telling him to keep it. The point: when the Lord convicts you, do as he asks and clear your conscience, before it gets seared! Otherwise, you won't mind sinning any more. Repentance helps build our faith and trust in God.


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